All Events

Feb 2025 18

Verification of Expected Adult Death by Non Medical Practitioners 18-02-2025 14:00 - 16.00 Room 3, STRIVE FHN

3/20 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-02-08 00:00

We are pleased to announce following a recent policy review and ratification it has been recognised that with the development of advancing practice, staff who are working in senior clinical roles such as Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP) or Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners (TACP)  who hold a professional clinical qualification can now undertake verification of expected adult death, as well as our registered nurses.

Confirmation or verification of death is defined as deciding whether a person is actually deceased. Verification of expected death can be undertaken by a competent registered nurse or an advanced clinical practitioner or trainee advanced clinical practitioner who hold a professional clinical qualification . It is expected that all Registered nurses/ Advanced Clinical Practitioners or trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners within South Tees who wish to undertake verification of expected adult death must have completed the appropriate training and completed the practice based competency framework. Staff must have agreement and written confirmation from their line manager that the process of verification of expected adult death is appropriate to their role.

This training will cover the knowledge of current policy and procedures in relation to Verification of Expected Adult Death. Following completion of the training, staff we be required to complete a competency based assessment in practice.   All clinical staff verifying death should be aware of the legal issues and accountability that relate to this area of practice and ensure they have the confidence , competency and skills to complete this process as they are responsible as an accountable practitioner.

Feb 2025 18

Delegated Consent Training, 18-02-2025 (AM) 10:30-11:30, Online via Microsoft Teams

5/30 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-02-11 00:00

Online via Microsoft Teams This training will cover:The legal aspects of consent and considerations when consent is obtained by an individual who does not then go on to carry out the intervention/procedure themselves.

Please note that access to a front camera is required for this training and must be kept on throughout the session.

Please return all Appendix A Delegated Consent forms to

Feb 2025 19

Venepuncture Practical Session-19-02-2025 ROOM 11 STRIVE JCUH

/0 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2024-09-22 00:00

Step 1: E-learning

Watch the presentation video -

Using Password - VenePres2021!


Watch the demonstration video -

Using Password - VeneDemo2021!


Step 2: Assessment

Complete the assessment via MS Forms by clicking on the following links below.


You have a maximum of three attempts to pass, you need a pass mark required of 80% or 8/10 to move on to the face-to-face training.


Step 3: Booking practical training

On completion of the e-learning training you MUST email over a screen shot of your pass mark to to inform the team you have successfully completed the training by gaining a minimum of 80% or 8/10.

Following this email, please call the team on 01642 854062 to arrange your face-to-face practical training. At this point, the team will ensure they have received your pass mark via email.

Once attended, you will complete the designated competency pack within your clinical environment.


Kind regards,

The Clinical Skills Team.

Feb 2025 20


20/20 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-01-21 00:00

AIM (Acute Illness Management) is a one-day inter-professional course standardising the clinical approach to the management of the deteriorating patient and is suitable for all registered staff.


Course manuals will be delivered to your clinical area 28 days prior to the course.


Please note this session is aimed at

CLINICAL SUPPORT WORKER – Band 1 – 4 (including SNA’s and Therapy assistants)

Feb 2025 20

Essentials of Pressure Ulcer Prevention (Mandatory) 20-02-2025 Room 22, STRIVE, JCUH

35/36 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-02-19 13:00

This training session will cover the essentials of skin integrity and pressure ulcer care.


The learning objectives and content of the session as follows:

  • identify risk factors associated with impaired skin integrity including: disease, surface, mobility, incontinence and nutrition
  • describe reasons why these factors contribute to risk
  • refer to appropriate members of the interprofessional team when required throughout the patient journey
  • identify appropriate interventions to reduce and manage risk of pressure ulcer development
  • implement appropriate prevention and management strategies



Feb 2025 24


31/32 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-01-25 00:00

AIM (Acute Illness Management) is a one-day inter-professional course standardising the clinical approach to the management of the deteriorating patient and is suitable for all registered staff.


Course manuals will be delivered to your clinical area 28 days prior to the course.


Please note this session is aimed at

REGISTERED STAFF – Band 5 and above (including Nursing Associates)

Feb 2025 24

HCA Essentials Day - 24.02.2025 - 08.00am - 16.00pm, Room 4, STRIVE, FHN

16/20 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-02-14 00:00

HCA Essentials

We are running an HCA Essentials day at FHN covering the following topics:

-          Recognising unwell patients and NEWS 2 interpretation

-          Understanding ECGs and correct ECG placement

-          Understanding dehydration

-          The manual BP

-          Understanding blood glucose


Please complete the NEWS 2 online training as this is a requirement prior to attending the HCA Essentials development day.

This will be either the acute or community module depending on your clinical area and will take approximately one hour to complete. Please see link below to access this online training: NEWS 2 training

Feb 2025 24

Student Nursing Associate (SNA) Practice Assessor/Supervisor Forum 24-02-2025 09:30 - 11:30 Room 45 STRIVE at JCUH

1/15 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-02-23 00:00

In this forum we will discuss:

  • Student Nursing Associate (SNA) apprenticeship role in practice
  • How you can support them on this apprenticeship journey
  • The university documentation that you are required to complete
  • The programme requirements from the Trust, university and apprenticeship aspects

This will include:

  • Practice Assessor Document
  • Ongoing Achievement Record
  • Smart Assessor
  • NMC Hours

Feb 2025 25

Managing symptoms in a patient who is nearing end of life, 25/02/2025, 13:00 - 14:00, Webinar

64/100 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-02-20 00:00

Sarah Truman is a Nurse Consultant for Adult Palliative Care working in South Tees. Sarah will be talking about the symptoms patients most frequently experience in the last days and weeks of life. She will discuss approaches to management including medicines and non-drug management. This masterclass is suitable for all health care professionals and will be relevant to prescribers who may be prescribing anticipatory medicines and medicines for use in syringe pumps.

Feb 2025 25

Cannulation Practical Session-25-02-2025 ROOM 25 STRIVE JCUH

/0 Spaces Booked:
Booking Closing Date: 2025-02-09 00:00

Please note that this is a Practical session, in order to be booked onto this session you will need to complete the Part A ( Please see below).

Once you have completed the Part A you will be required to call 01642 854062 in order to book your 20-25 minutes practical slot.


Step 1: E-learning
Access and complete all E-learning training and assessment by following the links below:

Enrolment key/ Password: SouthTees2021
You MUST Enrol using your trust account.

Step 2: Assessment
You have a maximum of three attempts to pass, with a pass mark required of 70% required.
It is essential upon completion of the e-learning you MUST log out of the system,
otherwise your results may not be submitted.

Step 3: Booking practical training
On completion of the e-learning training you MUST email over a screen shot of your pass mark to

To inform the team you have successfully completed the training by gaining a minimum of 70% or 7/10. Following this email, you will receive an allocated time slot for the face-to-face practical training.

Once attended, you will complete the designated competency pack within your clinical environment.