Caring for the Dying Patient, 14/11/2024, 08:00 - 16:00, Room 4, Strive, FHN
Room 4, Strive, FHN
This training is for Registered Nurses, Midwifes and Nursing Associates. Topics covered include:
- Clear and sensitive communication with patient and those identified as important to them
- Exploring the needs of the family
- Compassionate and holistic care plans
- What it means to be 'ill enough to die'
- Advance care plans and Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
- Clear documentation to support continuity of care
- Symptom management
- Prescribing at the end of life - common drugs and anticipatory medicines
- Indications for the use of the Syringe Pump
- Wider MDT support - Specialist palliative care team
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