Verification of Expected Adult Death by Non Medical Practitioners 25-06-2025 14:00 - 16.00 Room 9, STRIVE JCUH
We are pleased to announce following a recent policy review and ratification it has been recognised that with the development of advancing practice, staff who are working in senior clinical roles such as Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP) or Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners (TACP) who hold a professional clinical qualification can now undertake verification of expected adult death, as well as our registered nurses.
Confirmation or verification of death is defined as deciding whether a person is actually deceased. Verification of expected death can be undertaken by a competent registered nurse or an advanced clinical practitioner or trainee advanced clinical practitioner who hold a professional clinical qualification . It is expected that all Registered nurses/ Advanced Clinical Practitioners or trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners within South Tees who wish to undertake verification of expected adult death must have completed the appropriate training and completed the practice based competency framework. Staff must have agreement and written confirmation from their line manager that the process of verification of expected adult death is appropriate to their role.
This training will cover the knowledge of current policy and procedures in relation to Verification of Expected Adult Death. Following completion of the training, staff we be required to complete a competency based assessment in practice. All clinical staff verifying death should be aware of the legal issues and accountability that relate to this area of practice and ensure they have the confidence , competency and skills to complete this process as they are responsible as an accountable practitioner.
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